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AsProgrammer New Software Download

Download Ch341a Chipset Mini USB Programmer “AsProgrammer” New Updated Software For Free.

What’s USB Mini AsProgrammer?

AsProgrammer also known as Ch341a or NeoProgrammer in the Electronic Feild, helps to flash the firmware in the flash IC. There are lots of different types and different series of flash IC available in the market. but this low cast Ch341a Chipset USB mini programmer AsProgrammer is designed to support 24 Eeprom and 25 SPI flash 8 pins and 16 pins SPI flash.

It has installed the Ch341a Chip, which can recognize the EEPROM 24 and SPI flash with an indicator Green light to show that modules are working. The AsProgrammer is very User friendly and it is also Supported the USB to TTL Conversation.

Here is the Up to date Software Collection for the Mini USB AsProgrammer

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