Sunplus 1506g 1506t 1507g 1506c Loader tool Download
1506g Loader Download. 1506t Loader Download. 1507g Loader Download. 1506f Loader Download. 1506c Loader Download. DK-V1.01 Loader Download.
What’s a loader and how to use it?
Sometimes During Software upgrades or downgrades due to wrong Software or any other mistake our Satellite Receiver goes dead or stuck on a red light. So in that case we have two ways to recover our satellite Receiver. We can recover our box with a loader tool, and the second option we have is the Bios flashing Programmer which is available mostly with mechanics. But in that post, I’ll discuss the loader tool.
Loader tool is a computer Software, which every Satellite Receiver manufacturer is providing to their users for using during any damage or losses. For the Recovery of our Receiver, we need three 3 basic things. (1) Computer. (2) RS232 Cable and (3) Loader tool.
May you know about computer or laptop so I don’t need to discuss further the computer.
What’s RS232 Cable?
For the injection of software to our Box, we need three main Connections RX, TX, And GND from our Satellite Receiver to Computer or loader. So for that, We need to connect or STB or Satellite Receiver to our Computer or laptop. in that case, we need a specific Cable, which is called Rs232 or db9 cable. You can purchase Rs232 Cable in any local electronic market or from any Satellite dish mechanic Shop, even you can also buy from any online store. “sunplus loader” ” sunplus 1506t loader download”
Rs232 Cable for laptop User.
If you have a laptop user and you want to use all that process on the laptop then you need to buy two cables one is the Rs232 to Usb male Cable, and the second one is Rs232 female to female cable. These two cables are not very much expensive. And you can buy very easily from any Electronic market or online store. But be noted we need to inject the Software to any Satellite Receiver through Ch341 or Ch340 IC, so when you buy the Rs232 USB cable, you have to demand from the shopkeeper to give you the Rs232 USB cable with Ch340 or Ch341 Supported IC. Otherwise, Loader will not Work.
Rs232 Cable for PC/Computer Users.
If you have a PC or Computer and you want to use the loader on that. Then you have to need to buy one simple cable RS232 female to Female Cable. And you can do all the process with that Single Cable.
RS232 Mini Cable/Jacket.
For doing all these Processes Our Receiver has must the Rs232 Jacket or Port. So in Now days mostly Receiver are coming without External RS232 Port. In that case, we need to Inject another Mini Rs232 Cable to inside our Receiver. You can also take this mini Rs232 cable from any dish Satellite Receiver mechanic shop or you can also remove it from any other old Receiver.
loader tool.
When you have arranged all the above things as per your requirement, after that you need to loader tool regarding your satellite Receiver processor. There are multiple Satellite Receiver manufacturers with different Processors. But in that post, I’m going to share with you the Sunplus processor loader. You can use the following loader for the following board Boards.
Download Sunplus Chipset Loader for RS232 Serial cable for Recovery and Upgrade purposes of the Sunplus Chipset Satellite Receiver. For Downloading other Receivers Loader Tools Please click HERE.
The Following Loader Will Work On the below Sunplus Chipset
- Sunplus 1506G
- Sunplus 1506T
- Sunplus 1506C
- Sunplus 1507G
- Sunplus 1506F
- Sunplus 1506A
- Sunplus 1503
- Sunplus 1505
- Sunplus 1512
- Sunplus 1502
How to use the following loader?
- Open the Loader and navigate to the "UartIsp" Section.
- Choose the appropriate CompPort or use the 'RefreshComp' Button to automatically select the correct ComPort.
- Select the DDRType; opt for DDR2 for 4MB Software or DDR3 for 8MB Software.
- Click the 'SelectRomFile' button to choose the desired Software for installation.
- Finally, press the 'Start' Button, power on your Box, and patiently wait for the upgrading process to commence.
Contain Files
- Sunplus_Loader_V1.5.0.8
- Sunplus_Loader_V1.5.0.8
Last Update 21-02-2024
- File Version V1.5.0.8
- Downloads 14306
- File Size 676 KB
- Files Count 2
- Updated On 15-11-2023
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